Can You Imagine…

20 11 2009

forcing your eyes open before the sun agrees to shine, dragging yourself to a sweatshop — a prison without bars — where you will toil for another fourteen hours,

sacrificing your freedom and dignity for a wage of the bare minimum and a single meal to suppress the pangs of hunger,

cringing at the sight of the soot on your hands — a scar — a permanent reminder that you are bound by circumstance for eternity, with absolutely nowhere to run, no place to turn,

damning yourself to a industrialized version of hell, your only consolation the meager scraps of food that you will provide your family?

Can you imagine being 7 years old?

Children are the future of our world. But the future isn’t looking too good.
One in six children in the world today is a victim of child labor.
The next generation is in your hands.

Get involved. Save the future. End child labor today.